The Family Art Adventure Series is co-hosted by The Family Tree and the Acadiana Center for the Arts. It offers a quarterly opportunity for families and community members to gather together to create art and have fun. Each adventure will offer a different combination of activities. On November 12th, from 10am until noon, get your feelings paintbrush ready as we connect our feelings with colors. Register today to secure your spot: $25 for families up to 6 members and $7 for individuals.
Thank you to our sponsor Dr. Amy Cavanaugh! Without your support this event would not be possible!
Amy E. Cavanaugh, Ph.D., M.P. – Clinical and Medical Psychologist – 143 Ridgeway Dr. Ste. 106 – Lafayette, LA 70503 – 337-993-1960 –
Dr. Cavanaugh has provided psychological services, including assessment, counseling, and medication management to children, adults, and families in the Acadiana area since 2005. She enjoys helping individuals find opportunities in crisis, rebuild their lives, and find renewed purpose and meaning.